Had industry-funded climate science actually been shared

You may have noticed a big pause on this blog. I sorry for not sharing sooner. I was so upset by the situation, I never commented here. But the reason I stopped updating this blog is because, after publishing all my posts in our church bulletin for almost three years, my church refused to publishContinue reading “Had industry-funded climate science actually been shared”

Introducing the Laudato Si Action Platform

As I have written about before, in May of 2015 Pope Francis released his Laudato Si encyclical (tinyurl.com/ReadLaudatoSi). The encyclical addresses climate change, climate injustice, and the care for creation. In the encyclical, Our Holy Father implores us to listen to “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” and toContinue reading “Introducing the Laudato Si Action Platform”

Good news and bad news on the climate in 2022

The past year brought a lot of bad climate news to the world. The planet was hit by numerous climate disasters, including massive flooding that displaced 7 million in Pakistan, Hurricane Ian which caused $100 billion damage in the US and Cuba, summer heatwaves and drought in the US and UK which caused $20 billionContinue reading “Good news and bad news on the climate in 2022”

I don’t want any more pieces about the climate!

I just finished reading a book (highly recommended) called Our House Is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis, written by Malena Ernman, the mother of climate youth activist, Greta Thunberg. Ernman was a columnist for a chain of newspapers in Sweden and writes in the book how her editor emailedContinue reading “I don’t want any more pieces about the climate!”

Dreaming of a Green Christmas

According to the Stanford University recycling center, Americans make 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s than at any other time of the year. Much of it, of course, is caused by the waste produced by decorating and gift giving. So why not instead strategize how each of us can make less waste insteadContinue reading “Dreaming of a Green Christmas”